Is now the right time to go to college?
In this economy?
Why not jump right into a job and start earning a paycheck now?
你可能不会听到一个典型的初中生或高中生大声问这些问题, 但是,当他们纠结于高中毕业后的生活时,这个想法可能已经在他们的脑海中闪过了.
获得大学学位是一项重要的投资——从长远来看,它很可能会带来更高的薪水. 如果你的学位意味着你可以找到一份令人满意的职业,同时可能对你的社区产生有意义的影响,这一点尤其正确.
To help you weigh all the pros and cons of earning your college degree, 我们将回顾高等教育对社会的影响,以及这种影响可能意味着什么 you personally.
The Value of Higher Education
Higher Education Increases Your Earning Potential
对于高等教育对世界和社区的影响和价值,我们需要的不仅仅是高尚的想法,这是完全公平的. After all, you have your day-to-day life, responsibilities, and ever-rising cost of living to contend with.
According to the Pew Research Center*, 受教育程度较低的人每年更有可能跌出中产阶级. With rising costs of goods and services, you can secure your economic stability with a college degree.
On average, 拥有学士学位的人每周比拥有高中文凭的人多挣525美元——加起来超过27美元,000 additional income per year with a bachelor’s degree. That number often goes even higher with a master’s degree.
乔治城大学教育和劳动力中心计算出,大学教育可以使你一生的收入潜力增加1美元以上.2 million.
“在布法罗大学期间,我是一名努力学习的学生,也是一名丈夫和父亲. I received a quality education and the support from the UB faculty and staff, 是什么让我在事业上取得成功,并为我的家庭提供了巨大的支持.” -Matt Peterson, PA-C
你刚刚开始你的大学和职业生涯,可能还没有考虑过你的退休. While we would all love to retire early, the truth is, thanks to advancements in healthcare and medical technology, we’re living longer and longer, and we need to account for that in our retirement plans. 在人生规划方面,尽早、经常地为退休储蓄是朝着正确方向迈出的极好一步.
Learn more about UB’s career-focused degree and certificate programs!
With a bachelor’s degree, 你更有可能有额外的收入来为退休做计划和储蓄——你也更有可能获得雇主赞助的退休计划,你的雇主会为你的退休储蓄提供帮助.
To plan for retirement, 你需要工作保障来证明你的退休金是合理的. By earning a college education, you can rest a little easier knowing you’ll have a more secure future. 美国劳工统计局每年都会发布一份“就业预测”报告. In 2022, 25岁以上拥有学士学位的人比没有学士学位的同龄人更不容易失业. In fact, 拥有学士或硕士学位的人的失业率低于全国失业率.
“The Office of Career Development at UB was a huge asset to me. I got my first internship through UB career development, which gave me a foot in the door to a very competitive field. I still check in with their office every now and then. 他们给我的支持对我今天的事业很有帮助.” – Joe Perkus.
You’ll Be at the Forefront of Research and Innovation
在提高我们对周围世界的认识方面,学院和大学通常处于领先地位. When you enter college, 你们将积极参与推动我们进入21世纪的事业和研究.
学院和大学正规的网赌平台是我们看待能源消耗方式的先驱, nutrition and food security, healthcare and healthcare access, and much more. No matter what you choose to study in college, 你将向各自领域的专家学习,他们希望培养下一代的前瞻性思想家(也就是你)!).
“自从获得人类营养学硕士学位后,我开始做播客. 这个播客可以让我把我在UB学到的营养知识传播给成千上万的人. We have listeners in 55 different countries! I’ve had the opportunity to interview experts in clinical nutrition, and my business partner and I are working on producing a documentary next!” – Elanie Welch
There’s More Opportunity if You’re a First-generation College Student
Higher education holds significant value for first-generation college students, providing unique opportunities and benefits that can last a lifetime.
- Access to resources
- Breaking stereotypes
- Civic engagement and leadership
- Higher earning potential
- Increased social mobility
- Networking opportunities
- Personal growth and confidence
- Skill development
“我来到正规的网赌平台的使命是成为我们家第一个大学毕业生. No matter the challenges that I have faced over these past four years, 我将永远感谢布法罗大学给了我梦寐以求的最好的大学经历.” –Timothy Prince
It’s important to note that while higher education offers many benefits, it also comes with unique challenges for first-generation students. Paying for college学业压力和孤独感会影响你在大学里的成功.
在UB,我们理解你在努力为自己争取更美好未来的同时所面临的挑战. That’s why we offer the comprehensive support services you need to get through college and into a secure career. We believe in your ability to make a positive impact on yourself, your family, and your community, which is why we are with you every step of the way!
You’ll Be a Part of Something Bigger
Colleges and universities in many, if not most, states are significant driving factors in local and regional economies. Colleges help create jobs, boost local economies, and increase civic engagement among students, staff, and neighboring community members.*
Higher education is also the force behind technological innovations, medical advances, and evolutions in how we understand the world around us. 今天在高等教育机构发生的讨论将影响我们未来社会的运作方式. As college students think about our understanding of social issues, they will become policymakers reflecting on that understanding in the future.
高等教育中的研究和好奇心文化很难在其他任何地方重现. 即使是推动经济变革的企业家,他们对创新的热情和动力也很可能是在大学时期培养起来的. Ultimately, 大学提供了一个令人兴奋的前景,让你成为文化和社会变革的一部分,而不仅仅是你自己.
“As a UB student, 我和技术娴熟、经验丰富的教师一起工作,他们帮助我获得了我为社区做出贡献的职业所需的知识和技能. 我目前在一个政府资助的正规的网赌平台中担任Full Stack Net开发人员,该正规的网赌平台旨在为无家可归的纽约人提供经济适用房服务.” -Apson Shrestha
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*资料来源:美国高校商务官员协会报告, “More is Possible with Higher Education,” 2023.
**U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022