For university students across America, the first year is a rite of passage. 很多毕业生都会告诉你, adapting to college was the first defining experience of their adulthood.
就像许多改变人生的经历一样, beginning your higher education journey can result in feelings of self-doubt. At first, the resulting 焦虑 might make it seem like college isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
So, how do you quell these qualms and create a thriving college experience? 在正规的网赌平台,我们支持你. Here’s our best advice for adjusting to life as a new college student.
为开始接受高等教育的学生准备的, the independence and freedom of college-life can be incredibly empowering. 但这不仅仅是一句老话 蜘蛛侠 轻弹——真的很厉害 做 肩负重任.
While you won’t be fighting supervillains and slinging webs across campus, you’ll still be juggling a new — and sometimes intimidating — set of freedoms and responsibilities. 在压力下很容易关闭, 另外, 过度利用你新获得的独立. 一些早晨, you may wake up wondering if anyone will really notice whether you hit snooze and skip your 10 a.m. 心理讲座.
This kind of thinking can become a slippery slope — posing potential risks to your academic, 社会, 心理健康. 如果你发现你的出勤率下滑, catch yourself by remembering why you chose to attend college in the first place. 除了增加你的知识,你的课程提供 你需要的结构感才能茁壮成长. 此外, 你在课堂上的时间创造了结交朋友的机会, 与教授联系, 让自己沉浸在大学社区中.
Student Survival 101: If you find yourself struggling to meet the rigorous demands of college coursework, don’t worry — 正规的网赌平台 is here to help you succeed. 在 赫克曼中心, 你会通过学术指导找到你需要的支持, 辅导, 以及其他以学生为中心的服务.
Showing up isn’t only a matter of making it to your classes — by attending events, 加入俱乐部, 和你的同伴一起追求计划, 你让自己处于行动的中心. 除了…之外 开启新友谊的大门, getting involved on campus can provide additional structure to your college life, 向你介绍领导的机会, 让你接触到发人深省的经历和想法.
We know it can be scary to acquaint yourself with new faces on campus but keep this in mind: most of your peers are feeling anxious, 太. Getting involved and putting yourself out there isn’t a one-size-fits-all process. Maybe you’re not ready to join a club but keep an open mind — activities as simple as spending time in the dining hall may lead to encounters that blossom into friendships.
学生生存101:在UB, #不属于! 与 60多个俱乐部和组织, 16支乙级运动队, 校园活动 every semester, there’s something for everyone at 正规的网赌平台. Pursue your passion at UB — you’re bound to make friends in the process!
Be okay with a little self-doubt — but still ask for help when you need it
成长的烦恼在我们生命的每个阶段都是很自然的. Adjusting to new expectations can be confusing and exhausting — giving way to imposter syndrome, 压力, 焦虑, 和更多的.
Sometimes, the best thing you can do is practice radical self-acceptance. Don’t judge yourself — love yourself and the journey that you’re on. 毕竟, 大学是一个过渡时期, 在这个过程中,你会发现真正的驱动力是什么, 吸引, 激励你. When you embrace the fact that no journey can begin without a little self-doubt, you can detach yourself from negative feelings — focusing instead on developing strategies to adjust and thrive under new circumstances.
We know that embracing the journey can be easier said than done. If you’re struggling to cope with all the changes coming your way, exercise your best self-advocacy. 通过咨询或其他支持服务寻求帮助, 你可以与专家联系,他们可以帮助你找到立足点, 重新集中注意力, 回顾你的大学经历.
Student Survival 101: UB makes your mental health a main priority. 通过我们的综合服务找到您需要的支持 咨询服务,新鲜检查日,以及其他健康活动.
Sometimes, we find the greatest inspiration in unexpected places. Higher education provides the perfect opportunity to embark on an insightful journey of self-exploration and discovery.
如果你感到害怕,那就走出去. 一定不要回避 的类, activities, experiences that may be out of your comfort zone. 如果你对它感兴趣,那就试一试. 你甚至可以创造一些你最珍贵的回忆.
此外, many of the opportunities that present themselves during college will never be more accessible than they are when you’re an undergraduate. It’s a lot harder to join a dance troop when you’re immersed in a full-time career, so don’t wait on what interests you — add your name to the sign-up list, 系好鞋带, 把你自己放出去!
学生生存101:与 , Purple Knights enjoy endless opportunities to explore new interests and ideas. 不确定你的激情是什么? 考虑申报 . While it may be intimidating to start your journey without a concrete plan of study, 未定专业是你可以选择的最好的专业之一. You’ll have the freedom to dive into whatever excites you — helping you uncover what your true passion is.
无论是家常菜, 你的高中朋友, 或者是你发誓会讨厌的兄弟姐妹, you’re likely to miss some comforts of home as a first-time college student. 如果你有车的话, 可靠的旅程, 或者住在离校园比较近的地方, 你可能会想每个周末都去度假.
While university students at all levels occasionally feel homesick, this hurdle is usually most significant while you adjust to your first semester. Although occasional visits home can be a healthy coping strategy, try not to make it a habit. 如果你开始每个周末都在家乡度过, your struggle to adjust to college will only increase; you’ll miss exciting on-campus opportunities, 紧张你不断增长的社会关系, 努力适应健康的日常生活.
Luckily, there are different strategies you can utilize to navigate these feelings. Bringing some of your favorite things to school can help alleviate your 焦虑. 无论是你的唱片收藏, 家庭食谱, 或者是最喜欢的毛绒玩具, you’ll feel more at ease when you carry a piece of home with you to campus. You can also schedule regular calls, emails, video chats with your friends and family. 通过这样做, you’ll maintain strong ties to your loved ones without impairing your ability to establish new and meaningful relationships.
在UB, #不属于!
UB自豪地拥抱那些把我们称为家的学生. 你的辛勤工作, 的决心, 对成功的承诺把你带到了我们的门口, 我们相信你值得拥有最好的大学之旅! 校园文化多元化,兼收并蓄, 综合支援服务, 以及以职业为重点的学习正规的网赌平台, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve lifelong personal and professional success.
了解更多 今天成为紫袍骑士的事!